Chancellor Douglas A. Kristensen


Office: NSU 312   |    Phone: (308) 865-8208   |    Email:

Douglas A. Kristensen


克里斯滕森校长于2002年7月被任命为bet36365体育投注的校长,此前他在内布拉斯加州立法机构有着杰出的职业生涯.  他代表第37立法区和, 当时他已经退休了, 任职时间最长的立法议长是谁.  他带来了影响内布拉斯加州高等教育问题的独特知识, 为内布拉斯加州公民奉献的记录, 对整个大学系统,特别是科尔尼校区的历史和使命都很熟悉. 

在担任内布拉斯加州参议员期间, 克里斯滕森校长在通过重要立法和许多宪法修正案方面发挥了重要作用.  他发起立法,创立了内布拉斯加州上诉法院和税收平等和审查委员会, 他也是将科尔尼州立学院纳入内布拉斯加州大学系统的立法发起人之一.  在担任政治职务期间,他从事法律工作,是Lieske律师事务所的合伙人 & 内布拉斯加州明登的克里斯滕森.

一切bet36365体育的热情倡导者, Doug Kristensen, 自从他被任命为财政大臣以来, 执导了许多引人注目的住宅改造项目.  These include construction of Antelope and Nester residence halls; refurbishing Men’s, 兰德尔和曼托霍尔斯, and Centennial Towers East and West; the Cope Stadium/Foster Field project; comprehensive upgrades to the Central Utilities Plant; improvements to campus dining facilities; extensive landscaping; significant renovation of Bruner Hall of Science. In addition, bet36365体育的新国家的最先进的健康中心于2014年秋季开业, in August 2015, 校园庆祝新的健康科学教育综合大楼隆重开幕.

Civic and professional awards include the Nebraska State Bar Association Award of Merit; bet36365体育 Friend of the University Award; League of Nebraska Municipalities Distinguished Service Award; President’s Award, Nebraska Association of County Officials; Outstanding Young Men of America; University of Nebraska Innocents Society; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; and Acacia National Fraternity Order of Pythagoras.

Current memberships include the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association (MIAA) President’s Council and Strategic Planning Committee; NCAA Division II Academic Requirements Committee; Economic Development Council of Buffalo County Board of Directors; Museum of Nebraska Art Board of Directors; and Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Former service: national Vice President of the National Conference of State Legislatures; Executive Board Member of the Council of State Governments; State Legislative Leaders Foundation; Nebraska Constitutional Review Commission; Federal Communications Commission Local and State Government Advisory Committee Nebraska Information Technology Committee; Platte Valley State Bank and Trust Co. Board of Directors; Rowe Sanctuary Board of Directors; and Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC) Presidents Council.

Kristensen拥有内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的经济学和政治学学士学位, 以及德雷克大学的法学博士.  他和他的妻子、地区法官特里. 更难,我有两个女儿,摩根和佩奇.